Summer Scholarships For A Study Trip In Turkey

Viyana Büyükelçiliği 20.06.2016


• The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey will offer short summer scholarships for a study trip for successful and motivated graduate students (MA, MPhil, PhD, etc.) interested in Ottoman and Turkish studies.

• The aim of the project is to provide wide-ranging first hand information on Turkey, its culture, history and politics; and to promote social and academic exchanges among the participants and their Turkish counterparts.


•Applicants to the study trip must be graduate students in Turcology, History, Political Science,International Relations, Sociology, Journalism, Law or Public Administration.

•This year’s scholarship programme is open to students from the following countries:

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA.


•All travel and accommodation expenses of the study trip will be covered by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

•The programme will include 30 participants.

The programme, excursions and discussions will be in English.

•Participants of the study trip will be required to arrive in Turkey on 23 August 2016 and fully participate in the programme that ends on 1 September 2016. (Draft programme is enclosed.)

•Following the visit, participants will be requested to provide an evaluation paper by 26 September 2016 on the programme and their perception of Turkey.


•Applications will be made to the Turkish Embassy in Vienna to the following address:

Prinz Eugen Str. 40, 1040 Vienna

•Applicants will be requested to provide a CV, motivation letter in English and transcripts.


• The deadline for applications is 5 July 2016.

Entsprechende Dokumente

Programme_Summer Scholarships For A Study Trip in Turkey_23August_1September 2016.doc


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